Monday, November 15, 2010

Matrix of Domination

Patricia Hill Collins if often associated with the idea of the “Matrix of Domination” – basically a triangle of oppression. 

Here she talks about three major systems: Colonialism, Capitalism and Patriarchy. Colonialism is one group or race of people ruling over another and replacing indigenous religion/social practices/government with their own. Capitalism is the idea that everything (resources – including people’s labour) on the planet can be owned and sold for individual profit. And finally, Patriarchy is a term used to describe “ruled by the father”. All three of these rely on each other and therefore you cannot just “take one out”. The matrix is the idea of a place where things intersect. Oppression comes from the combination of systems with institutions. For example, the table shows the possible outcomes of combining various institutions with two or three of the systems:

As you can see, most forms of oppression are caused by two or more of these systems in combination with the various institutions that we have. In order to eliminate oppression we need to either transform or reform society's institutions.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

really enjoyed reading this, you have a beautiful way of explaining it very clearly.